Medtronic’s acquisition of Ardian for $800 million plus $500 million more in milestone payments in January 2011 signaled the dawning of a new era of catheter-based renal denervation systems.
Results of the Symplicity HTN-1 and Symplicity HTN-2 trials have generated considerable interest among physicians, patients, medical device entrepreneurs, and the investment community.
The market, although still in the inception phase, has already attracted heavy hitters with Covidien paying $230 Million for Maya Medical’ OneShot renal denervation system, St. Jude launching its EnligHTN renal denervation system in Europe in May 2012 and Boston Scientific diverting its R&D resources for a first-in-man with a new device before the end of 2012.
Renal denervation is a catheter-based therapy that uses either radiofrequency or ultrasound energy to disrupt the renal arteries sympathetic nerves whose hyperactivity may lead to treatment-resistant hypertension.
Renal denervation systems are perhaps the hottest medical device innovation space this year as they offer a complementary approach to the management of resistant hypertension that was not available before.
Renal Denervation Market report attempts to answer some important questions regarding the fast evolving market by examining Leading companies technologies, product offerings, market shares. The report offers a credible forecast to 2016.
Renal Denervation Market report is targeted at senior executives in the medical device space, innovators, serial medtech entrepreneurs and ventures capitalists who wish to get a handle on this potentially $3 billion fast growing opportunity.
Published: June 2012 - #26 Pages - PDF by eMail
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. State of the Science
2.1 Treatment Resistant Hypertension
2.2 Renal Sympathetic Nervous System
2.3 Role of Kidney Sympathetic Nerves in Hypertension
2.4 Selective Renal Artery Denervation
2.5 Clinical Trials Update
3. Renal Artery Denervation Technology
3.1 Renal Artery Denervation Procedure
3.2 Radio Frequency Renal Artery Denervation Systems
3.3 Ultrasound Renal Artery Denervation Systems
3.4 Microinfusion Renal Denervation Systems
4. Renal Artery Denervation Market
4.1 Current Market Situation
4.2 Medtronic Symplicity Radio Frequency Renal Denervation System
4.3 St. Jude EnligHTN Radio Frequency Renal Denervation System
4.4 ReCor Paradise Ultrasound Renal Denervation System
4.5 Vessix Vascular V2 Radio Frequency Renal Denervation System
5. In-Development Renal Artery Denervation Devices
5.1 Current Renal Denervation R&D Landscape
5.2 CardioSonic TIVUS Ultrasound Renal Denervation System
5.3 Kona Externally Applied Ultrasound Renal Denervation System
5.4 Covedien OneShot Radio Frequency Renal Denervation System
5.5 Mercator Bullfrog Microinfusion Renal Denervation System
5.6 Other Companies Contemplating an Entry into the Renal Denervation Space
6. Renal Denervation Market Forecast
6.1 Market Potential
6.2 Market Evolution Scenarios
6.3 Market Forecast
List of Tables & Figures
1. Renal Denervation Market Forecast (2011 – 2016)
2. Hypertension & Cardiovascular Mortality Risk
3. Efferent & Afferent Renal Sympathetics
4. Chronic Effects of Increased Sympathetic Activity
5. Renal Artery Sympathetic Enervation
6. Targeting Renal Artery Nerves
7. Radio Frequency Renal Denervation Systems
8. Ultrasound Renal Denervation Systems
9. Microinfusion Renal Denervation Systems
10. Commercially Available Renal Denervation Systems
11. Medtronic Symplicity Renal Denervation System
12. St. Jude EnligHTN Renal Denervation System
13. ReCor Paradise Renal Denervation System
14. Vessix Vascular V2 Renal Denervation System
15. Renal Artery Denervation Market Potential
16. Renal Artery Denervation Market Evolution Scenarios (2011 – 2016)
17. Renal Denervation Market Forecast (2011 – 2016)